Base de données de documents sur l’exploitation sexuelle - disponibles en téléchargement / Database on documents on sexual exploitation - available for download

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Accéder à près de 4 000 documents (rapports, thèses et mémoires, articles scientifiques etc...) sur l'exploitation sexuelle, classés dans une base de données par mots-clés.

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Titre du document: Document title:A Human rights report on trafficking of persons, especially women and children - Turkmenistan
This document summarizes the situation of the trafficking of persons in Turkmenistan.
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Titre du document: Document title:A Human rights report on trafficking of persons, especially women and children - United Arab Emirates
This document summarizes the situation of the trafficking of persons in the United Arab Emirates.
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Titre du document: Document title:Testimony on Trafficking of Women and Girls to Bosnia and Herzegovina for Forced Prostitution
Traffickers who have forced thousands of women and girls into prostitution in Bosnia and Herzegovina are not being apprehended for their crimes, Human Rights Watch said in a new report released today.
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Titre du document: Document title:Informe sobre el tráfico de mujeres y la prostitución en la Comunidad de Madrid
La evolución de la prostitución ha ido emparejada al crecimiento de la industria sexual, en tanto que sector económico. Existe una relación más que directa entre miembros de redes de trata de mujeres y dueños-empresarios de los nuevos lugares de prostitución. La prostitución representa elementos de mayor vulnerabilidad para las mujeres que la ejercen.
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Titre du document: Document title:Tráfico de personas en Colombia - Naufragio de sueños
El tráfico de personas : marco conceptual en Colombia. Este problema complejo incluye aspectos poblacionales, migratorios, de explotacion laboral, mercantiles criminalidad y violacion de los derechos humanos. Este manual busca ofrecer mas y mejor atencion a las victimas del trafico, mas y mejor informacion de prevencion, mas y mejor presencia del Estado en su obligacion de garantizar y proteger los derechos de los Colombianos.
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Titre du document: Document title:European conference on women trafficking : “Turn the spotlight on trafficking in women”
European Conference on women trafficking : "Turn the spotlight on trafficking in women” - Siracusa - Italy - December 2002. Contribution of Anna G. Korvinus, Dutch national rapporteur on trafficking in human beings, to the 2nd session, concerning the Dutch policy and experience. Or rather turn the spotlight to this empowerment and, at the same time, to the discouragement of the perpetrators and their criminal network.
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Titre du document: Document title:Unbearable to the human heart - Child trafficking and action to eliminate itUnbearable to the human heart - Child trafficking and action to eliminate it
Child trafficking is emerging as a global issue ; nearly all countries are affected by thisc riminal violation of children's rights. For some countries, the trafficking of children occurs within national boundaries and remains an essentially national issue. For many, it crosses borders and regions.
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Titre du document: Document title:Unlocking options for women : a survey of women in Cook County jail
In October 31, 2001, 60 members of the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless conducted surveys with 235 of the 1,117 women detained that day in Cook County Jail. These surveys were designed and conducted to gain an understanding of women's lives that may dictate and support policy initiatives and further direct service providers in assisting those in need.
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Titre du document: Document title:Use of the Internet for global sexual exploitation of women and children
The Internet has become the latest place for promoting the global sexual exploitation of women and children, this global communication network is being use to promote and engage in the buying and selling of women and children. In any search for a solution to pornography and prostitution, it is crucial to remember that sexual exploitation starts with real people and the harm is to real people.
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Titre du document: Document title:The use of new communications and information technologies for sexual exploitation of women and children
These new communications and information technologies are facilitating the sexual exploitation of women and girls locally, nationally and transnationally. The sexual exploitation of women and children is a global human rights crisis that is being escalated by the use of new technologies. Using new technologies, sexual predators and pimps stalk women and children. New technical innovations facilitate the sexual exploitation of women and children because they enable people to easily buy, sell and exchange millions of images and videos of sexual exploitation of women and children, they enable sexual predators to harm or exploit women and children efficiently and anonymously. The affordability and access to global communications technologies allow users to carry out these activities in the privacy of their home. The increase of types of media, media formats, and applications diversifies the means by which sexual predators can reach their victims. This paper will not attempt to categorize all the types and uses of this new technology, it will describe the most common and newest of these technologies, and how they are used for the sexual exploitation of women and children.

Hastings women's law journal, Vol.13
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