Base de données de documents sur l’exploitation sexuelle - disponibles en téléchargement / Database on documents on sexual exploitation - available for download

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Accéder à près de 4 000 documents (rapports, thèses et mémoires, articles scientifiques etc...) sur l'exploitation sexuelle, classés dans une base de données par mots-clés.

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Titre du document: Document title:Guidelines on justice for child victims and witnesses of crime
This document aims to guide professionals working with child victims and witnesses of crime, in their day-to-day practice ; assist in the review of laws, procedures and practices so that these ensure full respect for the rights of child victims and witnesses of crime ; assist governments, international organisations, public agencies, non-governmental and community-based organisations and other interested parties in designing and implementing legislation, policy, programmes and practices ; support those caring for children in dealing sensitively with this particularly vulnerable group of children.
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Titre du document: Document title:Directrices sobre la justicia para los niños víctimas y testigos de delitos
Las directrices constituyen un marco práctico para lograr los siguientes objetivos: orientar a los profesionales y, cuando proceda, a los voluntarios que trabajan con niños víctimas y testigos de delitos en sus actividades cotidianas en el marco de la justicia de adultos y de menores en los planos nacional, regional e internacional ; prestar asistencia para la revisión de leyes, procedimientos y prácticas locales y nacionales con objeto de garantizar el pleno respeto de los derechos de los niños víctimas y testigos de delitos ; prestar asistencia a los gobiernos, organizaciones internacionales, organismos públicos, organizaciones no gubernamentales y comunitarias y demás partes interesadas en la elaboración y aplicación de leyes, políticas, programas y prácticas que traten de cuestiones clave relacionadas con los niños víctimas y testigos de delitos; prestar asistencia y apoyo a quienes estén dedicados al cuidado de niños para que traten con sensibilidad a los niños víctimas y testigos
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Titre du document: Document title:La maltraitance dans l’exploitation sexuelle commerciale : Analyses d’un rapport à l’Autre
L'exploitation sexuelle commerciale implique un rapport de domination entre celui qui exploite et celui qui est exploité. Si pour certains, se prostituer constitue un choix que l'on effectue de manière totalement libre, pour d'autres il s'agit d'une pression qu'autrui exerce sur une personne qui n'a pas d'autre issue que de l'accepter. Aussi, la liberté, comme la dignité de l'être par rapport à son propre corps se trouve mise en question. L'existence et les conséquences de la prostitution se situent largement au-delà d'une relation sexuelle tarifée.
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Titre du document: Document title:Prostitution and trafficking of women and children from Mexico to United States
Prostitution and trafficking of women and children from Mexico to United States. Prostitution and trafficking are sexual violence that results in economic profits for perpetrators...

Extrait de "Prostitution, trafficking and traumatic stress", pp. 147-165
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Titre du document: Document title:Migración, prostitución y trata de mujeres dominicanas en la Argentina
El estudio diagnóstico que presentamos acerca del tema 'Migración, Prostitución y Trata de Mujeres dominicanas en Argentina', fue el resultado de un trabajo de investigación cuyo objetivo principal fue el de develar las relaciones entre migración, prostitución y trata, teniendo como referencia, un grupo de mujeres dominicanas que emigraron a la Argentina entre los años 1996 y 2000.
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Titre du document: Document title:The migration-trafficking nexus: combating trafficking through the protection of migrants’ human rights
The document seeks to look at the issue of trafficking within a broader migration framework and to propose policies which would be effective in reducing trafficking, and in preventing the human and labour rights violations to which migrant workers are so often subjected today. States need to pass legislation which prohibits and punishes all forms of trafficking as set out in the United Nations Trafficking Protocol and ensure that trafficked people have access to the protection and support measures. States must also recognize that these initiatives alone will not be sufficient to counter the problem of trafficking in people, and that their policies must also address the root causes of this problem, which are closely linked to migration issues.
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Titre du document: Document title:Migration connected with trafficking in women and prostitution
Migration linked to trafficking in women and prostitution is one of the most dark features of the lack of equality between women and men. This form of migration has developed into a gigantic, highly organised criminal trade linked to the exploitation of women. The main reasons for female emigration are poverty, discrimination against women, unemployment, under-education, lack of resources and political and economic instability. Criminal organisations are often involved in migration linked to the trafficking in women and prostitution. They exploit the fact that while there is high demand for immigrant labour, there are now fewer opportunities for legal migration in Europe. There is also trafficking in women within these countries. It is essential that European countries react firmly and in a co-ordinated manner to the problems posed by migration connected with trafficking in women and prostitution.

Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, Doc. 9795
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Titre du document: Document title:Migration management Moldavia
The assessment of the migration management system in Moldova was carried out in the fall of 2003. Its main objective is to serve as a tool in strengthening the Moldovan Government's capacity to develop a realistic and effective migration management system. It is envisaged that the results of the assessment will be useful to the relevant Moldovan authorities and potential donors in identifying key areas for action in the field of migration management.
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Titre du document: Document title:The social impact of seasonal migration
The report analyses both out-migration and in-migration trends, but in the Bulgarian case what seems clear is that out-migration exceeds in-migration, thus emigration rather than immigration has bigger impact on the Bulgarian society. The public discourse is dominated by concerns about brain-drain, the economic benefits from Bulgarian migrants working abroad temporarily, the possibilities for exporting skilled labour legally, and the harm inflicted by returned asylum-seekers on Bulgaria's image. Immigrants are not particularly visible yet, and concerns about their number, protection of their rights, xenophobia or their integration come rarely to the fore. That is why, in searching for the social impact of migration on the Bulgarian society, the Bulgarian team will pay more attention to out-migration than to in-migration.

In fact this booklet is part of a product of comprehensive research and analysis of migration trends in each of six participating EU accession countries: Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania and Bulgaria (N°1).
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Titre du document: Document title:Migrations et traite - les liens
La traite, le trafic de migrants et les migrations sont des phénomènes distincts mais liés. Cet ouvrage a pour ambition un cadre plus large, celui des flux migratoires, et de suggérer des politiques permettant de lutter contre la traite et de prévenir les violations des droits de l'homme et des droits sociaux dont sont si souvent victimes les travailleurs migrants aujourd'hui. En annexe (pp. 24-28) bibliographie et textes internationaux relatifs aux droits des migrants, au travail forcé et à la traite, état des ratifications au 1er novembre 2003.
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