Base de données de documents sur l’exploitation sexuelle - disponibles en téléchargement / Database on documents on sexual exploitation - available for download

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Accéder à près de 4 000 documents (rapports, thèses et mémoires, articles scientifiques etc...) sur l'exploitation sexuelle, classés dans une base de données par mots-clés.

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Titre du document: Document title:Bad for the body, bad for the heart
With examples from a 2003 New Zealand prostitution law, this article discusses the logical inconsistencies in laws sponsoring prostitution and includes evidence for the physical,emotional, and social harms of prostitution. These harms are not decreased by legalization or decriminalization. The article addresses the confusion caused by organizations that oppose trafficking but at the same time promote prostitution as a justifiable form of labor for poor women. The failure of condom distribution/harm reduction programs to protect women in prostitution from rape, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and HIV is discussed. The success of such programs in obtaining funding and in promoting prostitution as sex work is also discussed.
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Titre du document: Document title:Best practices to address the demand side of sex trafficking
Each year, hundreds of thousands of women and children around the world
become victims of the global sex trade. They are recruited into
prostitution, often using tactics involving force, fraud, or coercion.
Criminals working in organized networks treat the victims like
commodities, buying and selling them for profit. This modern-day form of
slavery is called sex trafficking. Analyzing trafficking and
prostitution as parts of an interlocking system reveals how the
components are linked, and studying the dynamics of supply and demand
for victims reveals what keeps the system working.

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Titre du document: Document title:A brief history of prostitution
It is not so sure that prostitution is the oldest trade in the world ; the Europeans admitted to it during the colonial years. In some European societies, prostitution was associated with the notion of hospitality : various women of the house were offered to guests passing through.
This document owes a lot to Max Chaleil's work. His book, "Le corps prostitué : le sexe dévorant" is the main reference of this file. This historical summary will mainly concern France, even though there are a few comparisons with the situation of prostitution in other countries.
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Titre du document: Document title:Brève histoire de la prostitution
Il n'est pas certain que la prostitution soit "le plus vieux métier du monde" ; durant la colonisation, les Européens la feront admettre. Il existait toutefois, dans certaines sociétés primitives européennes, une prostitution liée à la notion d'hospitalité : les différentes femmes de la maison sont offertes aux hôtes de passage.
Note de l'auteur :
L'ensemble de ce document a une dette considérable envers le travail effectué par Max Chaleil, dont l'ouvrage "Le Corps prostitué : Le sexe dévorant" a constitué la principale référence de cette fiche. Malgré certaines comparaisons avec la situation prostitutionnelle dans d'autres pays, ce bref historique s'attachera principalement à la France.
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Titre du document: Document title:CATW Annual report 2004
Contains CATW in action key, conferences and events, international and human rights advocacy, coalitions around the world, grants, publications and videos.
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Titre du document: Document title:Cause for concern - London social services and child trafficking
The research aim was to measure the level of awareness of child trafficking
amongst London social services, to find out whether they had come across any cases of trafficking, and how they had dealt with the cases. As the researcher aimed to complete the research within a year, it does not
claim to reveal the whole picture of child trafficking in London social services, but provides an overview and snapshot of the situation.
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Titre du document: Document title:Les causes du trafic sexuel en Asie du Sud-Est
Il est impossible de fournir le nombre exact de femmes et d'enfants se prostituant, mais l'Asie est sans conteste le continent le plus touché par le phénomène du trafic sexuel, si l'on prend comme chiffres de référence ceux avancés par les organismes spécialisés travaillant sur ce sujet. On estime aujourd'hui que des millions de personnes (femmes et enfants) en sont victimes.
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Titre du document: Document title:Roots of traffickings and prostitution
Monetary reasons and destitution are always invoked as explanations for trafficking and prostitution. For centuries prostitution has been explained through the situation of prostitutes themselves, as they live in poverty and consequently need money.
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Titre du document: Document title:Les causes des trafics et de la prostitution
On invoque toujours la misère, les raisons d'argent. On explique depuis des siècles la prostitution par les prostituées. ELLES sont dans la misère, ELLES ont besoin d'argent. On oublie les autres piliers du système : les proxénètes mais plus encore les clients. Les premiers trouvent là une source de revenus faramineuse. Les seconds une "commodité" justifiée au nom de la tradition.
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Titre du document: Document title:Changing patterns and trends of trafficking in persons in the Balkan region
Changing patterns and trends of trafficking in persons in the Balkan region. Assessment carried out in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Province of Kosovo, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Moldova. Trafficking in persons, especially women and children, for the purpose of forced prostitution has been recognized as a major area of concern in the Balkans for years.
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