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Auteur(s) - Auteure(s): ECPAT France, IFRA Nigeria, CNRS, Les Amis du Bus des Femmes
Titre: Religious, social and criminal groups in trafficking of Nigerian girls and women : The case of shrines, "Ladies' Club" and "cultist groups"
Année de publication: 2019
Edition: Projet européen PACKING (2017-2019), Commission européenne, 180 p.
Langue: anglais
Type(s) de contenu: etude/recherche
Theme(s) du contenu: Abus sexuel
Prevention - Sensibilisation
Prostitution feminine
Proxenetisme - Crime organise
Traite des etres humains
Violence - Maltraitance
Zone(s) géographique(s)

This study is an integral part of the PACKING European project. The main objective is to prevent and eradicate the violation of the human rights of migrants and asylum seekers among Nigerian children and women, who are victims of human trafficking and more specifically sexual exploitation. This publication analyzes the forms of the sexual exploitation (with juju, voodoo and witchcraft...) as early as the case of the temples, the ladies' club and "cultist groups".

Also available in French version and on .pdf version.

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