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Titre: Sex tourism in Riga, Latvia – A short documentary
Réalisateur(s) - Réalisatrice(s): ASHWORTH Katrina
Chaine T.V:
Date: 10 June 2010
Duree (mn): 10
Type: Interview
Theme(s): Client-e-s
Prostitution en établissement
Tourisme sexuel
Population(s): Féminine
Zone géographique: Lettonie (Riga)

"For my final major college project, I decided to produce a film about sex tourism in my home town of Riga. As well as meeting a wide variety of male tourist groups from all over Europe, I interviewed a lot of locals that had come in to direct and indirect contact with the sex industry - everyone from a local rickshaw driver to the director of a company that organises stag weekends. This film is neither supporting, nor opposing sex tourism, but is a mere look in to a subject that i have always found interesting and intriguing”.

"A big thank you to Luke Quinn and everyone in Year 2 Film & TV production at Reigate School of Art ,Design & Media, East Surrey College for making this possible”.

Anastasia Director of (agence en ligne proposant des week-ends à Riga)
Stripclub owner
Local rickshaw driver

Cote: DDI100610