Base de données de documents sur l’exploitation sexuelle - disponibles en téléchargement / Database on documents on sexual exploitation - available for download

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Accéder à près de 4 000 documents (rapports, thèses et mémoires, articles scientifiques etc...) sur l'exploitation sexuelle, classés dans une base de données par mots-clés.

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Titre du document: Document title:Protocol against the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against transnational organized crime
This UNO protocol declares that "effective action to prevent and combat the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air requires a comprehensive international approach, including cooperation, the exchange of information and other appropriate measures, including socio-economic measures, at the national, regional and international levels", and puts forward those measures.

N.B. : The Scelles Foundation is not concerned by the smuggling of migrants in itself. This document is indexed here because the smuggling of migrants is related, to some extent, to the trafficking in human beings, even if at the root these two phenomenons are distinct.
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Titre du document: Document title:Protocole additionnel à la Convention contre la criminalité transnationale organisée
Le présent protocole complète la Convention des Nations Unies, dite Convention de Palerme, contre la criminalité transnationale organisée visant à prévenir, réprimer et punir la traite des personnes, en particulier des femmes et des enfants.
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Titre du document: Document title:Psychosocial and trauma response in war-torn societies, the case of Kosovo
Refugees from Kosovo (PTR) was initially set up in the refugee camps in Albania, immediately after the outbreak of conflict in April 1999. Following the massive, spontaneous return of the refugees upon the resolution of the conflict, the project was modified and its focus was shifted from Albania to Kosovo. An assessment was therefore undertaken in the province to appreciate how to best respond to the returnees' psychosocial needs. It revealed that, while psychiatric care was avail-able, very few psychologists were operating in Kosovo, and that there seemed to be a clear need for some sort of intermediate professionals who could give psycho-social support through counselling activities.

Psychosocial notebook, Vol.1, November 2000
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Titre du document: Document title:Report of the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography. Addendum. Kingdom of Morocco
The Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography visited Casablanca, Rabat, Meknès, Tangier and Marrakech from 28 February-3 March 2000, to study the issue of commercial sexual exploitation of children in Morocco. During her visit, she met with the Minister for Human Rights; representatives of the Ministries of Youth and Sports, Education, Tourism, Justice, Culture, Foreign Affairs and Planning, the Secretariats of State for Social Protection, Family and Children and for Solidarity and Humanitarian Affairs, representatives of the Royal Gendarmerie, the National Police (Sureté nationale), the Parliamentary Commission on Social Affairs, the Consultative Council on Human Rights (Conseil consultatif des droits de l'homme), the National Office for Monitoring the Rights of the Child (Observatoire nationale des droits de l'enfant); and representatives of the United Nations Children's Fund, the United Nations Development Programme and UNIFEM and of several non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
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Titre du document: Document title:Informe de la Relatora Especial sobre la venta de niños, la prostitución infantil y la utilización de niños en la pornografía – Adición 1 : Reino de Marruecos
Por invitación del Gobierno del Reino de Marruecos (en adelante "Marruecos"), la Relatora Especial sobre la venta de niños, la prostitución infantil y la utilización de niños en la pornografía visitó Casablanca, Rabat, Meknes, Tánger y Marrakech del 28 de febrero al 3 de marzo de 2000, para estudiar la cuestión de la explotación sexual comercial de niños en Marruecos. Durante su visita se reunió con el Ministro de Derechos Humanos; con representantes de los Ministerios de Juventud y Deportes, Educación, Turismo, Justicia, Cultura, y Relaciones Exteriores y de las Secretarías de Estado de Protección Social, Familia e Infancia y de Solidaridad y Asuntos Humanitarios; con representantes de la Gendarmería Real, Policía Nacional (la Sûreté Nationale), la Comisión Parlamentaria de Asuntos Sociales, el Consejo Consultivo de Derechos Humanos (Conseil Consultatif des Droits de l'Homme) y el Observatorio Nacional de los Derechos del Niño (Observatoire National des Droits de l'Enfant); y con representantes del UNICEF, el PNUD y el UNIFEM, así como de varias organizaciones no gubernamentales.
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Titre du document: Document title:Report of the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography. Addendum .Guatemala
The Special Rapporteur visited Guatemala from 19 to 30 July 1999. She went to Guatemala City, Tecúm Umán, Escuintla and Cobán. Of all the concerns of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur, the sale of children is of
particular concern in Guatemala. The sale and/or trafficking of children out of Guatemala
mainly occurs for the purpose of intercountry adoption, but there are also reports of the
trafficking of children into Guatemala for the purpose of prostitution.
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Titre du document: Document title:Informe de la Relatora Especial sobre la venta de niños, la prostitución infantil y la utilización de niños en la pornografía– Adición 2 : Guatemala
La Relatora Especial visitó el país entre el 19 y el 30 de julio de 1999 (Ciudad de Guatemala, Tecúm Umán, Escuintla y Cobán). La venta o el tráfico de niños hacia el exterior de Guatemala se produce principalmente con fines de adopción en otro país, pero también se tiene noticia de un tráfico de niños hacia Guatemala para utilizarlos en la prostitución.
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Titre du document: Document title:Safeguarding children involved in prostitution
There are children involved in prostitution across England and Wales. They may not be visible to a casual or even an informed observer. In some instances they may be visible on the streets, in others they may not. This is a hidden problem; it is not known how many children are involved. However, as a result of the combined experience of many agencies and professionals, it is certain this problem exists.

This is a supplementary guidance to "Working Together to Safeguard Children"
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Titre du document: Document title:Stopping Traffic: Exploring the extent of, and responses to, trafficking in women for sexual exploitation in the UK
This paper presents the findings of research carried out to assess the extent of trafficking in women for the purposes of sexual exploitation and the law enforcement responses in the UK. It estimates the number of women trafficked into conditions of sexual slavery, the ways in which they are trafficked and the responses of all relevant agencies in tackling and preventing such trafficking. A wide range of data sources have been used in this study, though finding accurate estimates of the scale of either the sex industry in general, or trafficking in particular, has proven problematic.

Police Research Series
Paper 125
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Titre du document: Document title:The trafficking of children for purposes of sexual exploitation – South Africa
Molo Songololo is a child rights organisation based in Cape Town, since 1979. Molo Songololo's primary functions are advocacy and lobbying for the rights of children and education about these rights. This research reports on one component that underpins most child sexual exploitation through child prostitution: the sexual exploitation of children through trafficking. In examining this issue, the specific focus fell on both in-country and cross-border trafficking. The primary motivation for the research flowed from a growing concern about the increase in child prostitution. This report is the result of various national and international initiatives embarked on over the last four years.
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