Base de données de documents sur l’exploitation sexuelle - disponibles en téléchargement / Database on documents on sexual exploitation - available for download

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Accéder à près de 4 000 documents (rapports, thèses et mémoires, articles scientifiques etc...) sur l'exploitation sexuelle, classés dans une base de données par mots-clés.

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Titre du document: Document title:Exploratory review of media coverage on organized crime in Canada - 1995-2000
This project involved two distinct methodologies: a quantitative electronic review of 15 media sources over 6 years to identify all of the articles related to 23 selected "organized crime" activities or responses to those criminal activities ; a qualitative content analysis of the full text of all "organized crime" articles found in 7 media sources for the year 2000.
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Titre du document: Document title:Globalization, information technology, and sexual exploitation of women and children
Accompanying and facilitating globalization is a revolution in communication and information technologies. The computer based telecommunications system known as the Internet can send text, images, audio and video files around the world in seconds. Significantly, the cost of access to this global communications network is within the financial reach of most people in wealthier nations. This technology has given the sex industry new means of exploiting, marketing and delivering women and children, as commodities, to male buyers. Through financial and technological interdependence, the sex industry and the Internet industry have become partners in the globalization of sexual exploitation.
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Titre du document: Document title:Asia-Pacific answers : good practices in combating commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth
The complexity of the problem of commercial sexual exploitation of children and its causes mean that a wide variety of interventions are needed.The Stockholm World Congress identified five areas of interventions, namely (1) prevention, (2) protection, (3)recovery and reintegration, (4) child participation and (5) coordination and cooperation. The 11 case studies in this volume highlight the efforts from the East Asian and Pacific region in each of these five areas.
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Titre du document: Document title:Guide de la Convention de l'ONU du 2 décembre 1949
L'auteur fait un historique de la Convention pour la répression de la traite des êtres humains et de l'exploitation de la prostitution d'autrui, analyse les points essentiels, comme sa fragilité (manque de mécanisme de contrôle, invisibilité de "l'acheteur de services sexuels").
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Titre du document: Document title:Guide to the new UN Trafficking Protocol
A commentary of this protocol supplementing the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, by Janice G. Raymond.
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Titre du document: Document title:Guide to the new UN Trafficking Protocol - Finnish
A commentary of this protocol supplementing the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, by Janice G. Raymond
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Titre du document: Document title:Guide du nouveau protocole de la traite des Nations Unies
Janice G.Raymond reprend ici le protocole additionnel à la convention contre la criminalité transnationale organisée (Palerme) et le commente.

Traduction en français : Bernice Dubois et Malka Marcovich.
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Titre du document: Document title:Health and safety guidelines for brothels
With this legal arrangement come a number of key responsibilities for those involved in the sexual services industry. The responsibilities addressed in the guidelines relate specifically to workplace health and safety and public health. These guidelines provide brothel proprietors with minimum standards for maintenance of a safe and healthy environment for sex workers, other employees, clients and visitors, and details of legislative requirements as set out in the Public Health Act 1991.
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Titre du document: Document title:Human trafficking in Ukraine and perspective of it’s prevention
One of the areas of the world where trafficking is growing fastest is the former Soviet Union. Human trafficking from Ukraine, especially for sex work, is a serious and increasing problem for the country. Following a recent study by the International Organization of Migration (IOM), reference is now being made to 420,000 women having been trafficked out of the country in the last few years alone. The government of Ukraine has employed different strategies to address the issue of trafficking in people. By all means, strategies aimed at trafficking should focus on trafficking and the criminal nature of this activity and those involved in this conduct, rather than on the activity of the victims of trafficking, whose human rights should be assured.
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Titre du document: Document title:In search of dreams - study on the situation of the trafficked women and children
From Bangladesh and Nepal to India - Poor people, particularly women and children of Bangladesh and Nepal often become victim of unscrupulous recruiters ending up in jobs and living conditions that are completely different from what they had been promised. They often end up in prostitution and virtual household slavery. As migrants in an irregular situation, they are extremely vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.
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