Base de données de documents sur l’exploitation sexuelle - disponibles en téléchargement / Database on documents on sexual exploitation - available for download

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Accéder à près de 4 000 documents (rapports, thèses et mémoires, articles scientifiques etc...) sur l'exploitation sexuelle, classés dans une base de données par mots-clés.

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Titre du document: Document title:What the professionals know - The trafficking of children into, and through, the UK for sexual purposes
This research aims at finding out the situation of trafficking in the United Kingdom. There is trafficking of children for sexual purposes. There is also the use of the UK as a transit point for traffickers, taking children through the UK, to be forced into sexual exploitation elsewhere in Europe. Children are being brought through two distinctive channels. The first is the use of the asylum system and Social Services by the traffickers to look after the children and keep them in places known to the traffickers, without any expense. These children are then taken out of care and trafficked to Europe, especially Italy. This form of trafficking involves, mainly, West African girls. The second form of trafficking is of predominantly Eastern European females. These females are being bought in, either by a 'boyfriend' (one to one) or by 'Mafia' (lots of girls at once). Trafficking is often related to conditions of poverty, poor employment opportunities and unstable countries, additionally with the aid of corrupt officials.
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Titre du document: Document title:Abolir l’esclavage et ses formes contemporaines
Cette étude montre qu'un certain nombre de pratiques analogues à l'esclavage existe : toutes les formes de prostitution ; la traite des êtres humains ; la servitude pour dettes ; le travail forcé ; le travail des enfants ; le mariage forcé et la vente de femmes en vue de mariage. Des mécanismes internationaux de surveillance ont été mis en place, mais leur efficacité réelle peut être évaluée en fonction de la mesure dans laquelle les Etats parties appliquent leurs dispositions au niveau national.
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Titre du document: Document title:Assessment Research of Sex Workers and Their Clients in Chennai
The study focussed to gain in-depth understanding of commercial sex surrounding industry and to study the knowledge attitude behavior and practice of commercial sex worker with regard to STD\HIV\AIDS and condom usage.
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Titre du document: Document title:Attitudes toward prostitution and acceptance of rape myths
This study investigated the relationship between prostitution myth acceptance and rape myth acceptance in a sample of university undergraduates. Violent behaviors against women are associated with culturally supported attitudes that encourage men to feel entitled to sexual access to women, to feel superior to women, or to feel that they have license as sexual aggressors. Rape myths and prostitution myths are components of these culturally supported attitudes that normalize violence against women. Prostitution myths justify the existence of prostitution, promote misinformation about prostitution, and contribute to a social climate that exploits and harms not only prostituted women, but all women. Rape myth acceptance was positively correlated with prostitution myth acceptance among 783 university undergraduates from California, Iowa, Oregon and Texas.College men were significantly more accepting of prostitution myths than were college women. Results suggest that acceptance of prostitution myths might be a component of attitudes that justify violence against women.
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Titre du document: Document title:Australia and the traffic in women into sexual exploitation
The number of women and children trafficked internationally each year, mainly for the sex industry, is estimated by experts in the field as 700,000 to 2 million. On the international stage this traffic has been understood as a modern form of slavery. Recognition of the seriousness of the issue has led to the Protocol on trafficking of the UN Convention on Transnational Organised Crime (2000).
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Titre du document: Document title:Child prostitution in Brazil
Through real life case studies, this document aims at making us aware of the problem of child prostitution in Brazil and gives some advices to act against it.
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Titre du document: Document title:Vietnam - Children in Prostitution in Hanoi, Hai Phong, Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho
This Rapid Assessment provides some limited insight into the situation of young people involved in prostitution in Viet Nam. The bulk of the information is based on interviews with 122 children, with brothel owners and with pimps (the latter two actors rarely, if at all, ever studied) in four locations in the North and South sides of the country. Although it is a Rapid Assessment and the numbers presented here are only estimates 2 or relatively representative only for the four geographical areas covered, the report provides some in-depth understanding of the issues of children in prostitution. The studies for this report were conducted separately ; an assessment was carried out in the North in 1999 and a complementing one in the South was done the following year. The research began with a review of existing literature to determine what has been previously known about young people engaged in prostitution.
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Titre du document: Document title:Code of conduct for the protection of children from sexual exploitation in travel and tourism
Originally an ECPAT project, today the Code is an independent organisation currently funded by the Japan Committee for UNICEF and supported by the World Tourism Organization, and technically supported by many ECPAT groups around the world. It is regarded as the most efficient industry tool to combat child sex tourism. Tour operators and tourism organisations that adopt and sign the Code of Conduct commit themselves to informing customers on their child protection policy, training of staff, reporting cases and application of other measures to protect children.
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Titre du document: Document title:La mafia albanaise en Europe
Sous ce titre sont regroupés les 3 articles suivants : "Comment s'implante la mafia albanaise, à l'échelle locale, nationale puis européenne" (décembre 2002) ; "les Etats-Unis, l'UÇK , la mafia albanaise : autocritique, aveux tardifs" (janvier 2003) ; "Mafia albanaise en Europe : chronique d'une implantation réussie" (décembre 2002).
Une note d'alerte, sous l'égide du Département de recherche sur les Menaces Criminelles Contemporaines (DRMCC).
La mafia albanaise et les organisations criminelles albanaises, toujours aussi fortement impliquées dans la traite des êtres humains (tant en matière d'immigration clandestine qu'en matière de prostitution), trafic de drogues, vol de biens, illustrent la menace du crime organisé en Europe aujourd'hui. 

UÇK est un sigle qui désigne l'Armée de libération du Kosovo, en albanais Ushtria Çlirimtare e Kosovës.

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Titre du document: Document title:A comparative study of women trafficked in the migration process
A comparative study of women trafficked in the migration process is about patterns, profiles and health consequences of sexual exploitation in five countries (Venezuela, Indonesia, Philippines, Thaïland, United States).
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