Base de données de documents sur l’exploitation sexuelle - disponibles en téléchargement / Database on documents on sexual exploitation - available for download

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Accéder à près de 4 000 documents (rapports, thèses et mémoires, articles scientifiques etc...) sur l'exploitation sexuelle, classés dans une base de données par mots-clés.

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Titre du document: Document title:Informe nacional, explotación sexual infantil, análisis de su situacion en España
La explotación sexual para Save the Children es una forma de abuso sexual, con sus características diferenciales de cara a la intervención, puesto que el núcleo sigue siendo el comportamiento abusivo sobre el niño o niña, se obtengan o no beneficios económicos del mismo.Este informe contiene : análisis de estadísticas, entrevistas a ONGs y expertos, análisis cualitativos de los datos, dimensiones del problema de la explotación sexual infantil, cuestiones legales.
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Titre du document: Document title:Faith-based responses to trafficking in women from Eastern Europe
This report makes a portray of the situation of trafficking in Eastern Europe and of the organizations that are fighting against it, particularly faith-based ones. 

This paper was originally prepared for the Lilly Fellows Program National Research Conference, "Christianity and Human Rights,” Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama, 13 November 2004.

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Titre du document: Document title:FAQ prostitution 2004 - Questions et réponses sur la politique néerlandaise
Cette publication traite du pourquoi et du comment de la politique néerlandaise en matière de prostitution ; comment s'articule-t-elle ? Pourquoi les Pays-Bas ont-ils décidé d'autoriser les maisons closes sous certaines conditions ? Chaque question est suivie d'une brève réponse et d'informations complémentaires. 

FAQ prostitution est disponible en plusieurs langues.
Sur Internet
(sous « Reizen en landen » > « Welkom in Nederland » > « Over
Nederland » > « Beleid inzake drugs, euthanasie en andere ethische onderwerpen »)

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Titre du document: Document title:A report on child trafficking in Bulgaria, Denmark, Italy, Romania, Spain, UK
This report explains Save the Children’s approach to the issue of child trafficking, providing a tool for analysis and planning of strategic interventions in the field. This framework takes into consideration all the trafficking phases where exploitation and abuse of children. This report is the output of an analysis carried out in six countries.
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Titre du document: Document title:Forced labour, migration and trafficking in Europe
In January 2003, the ILO's Special Action Programme to Combat Forced Labour (SAPFL), in consultation with the Bureau for Workers' Activities (ACT/TRAV), convened a programme consultation with representatives of workers organizations and academic resource persons on the issues of forced labour, irregular migration and human trafficking in Europe. The document present the forms of exploitation and controls, with country case studies, and list the best practices of the trade unions, country per country.
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Titre du document: Document title:Rights of the child, report submitted by Juan Miguel Petit, Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography. Addendum. Mission to Brazil
A democratic society cannot tolerate poverty, inequalities and the unjust conditions in which many children and girl children live. Sexual exploitation and trafficking of children are some of the worst forms of violence generated by poverty, social exclusion and gender discrimination. They deny many children of a future and break the social fabric. The foremost challenge is for public policy to break this cycle of social exclusion, the black holes of Brazilian society that the State and basic social services do not reach, where people survive on a daily basis without hope for the future in conditions that generate new forms of violence. The "captains of the sands”, street children as portrayed by Brazilian novelist Jorge Amado years ago, are not captains anymore but pawns in the hands of organized crime.
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Titre du document: Document title:Los derechos del niño, informe presentado por Juan Miguel Petit, Relator Especial del Secretario General sobre la venta de niños, la prostitución infantil y la utilización de los niños en la pornografía, misión al Brasil

Una sociedad democrática no puede tolerar pobreza, desigualdades y las condiciones injustas en cuál viven muchos niños y los niños de la muchacha. Explotación y tráfico sexuales de los niños son algunas de las formas peores de violencia generadas por la pobreza, la exclusión social y la discriminación de género. Niegan a muchos niños de un futuro y rompen el tejido social. El primer desafío está para que el orden público rompa este ciclo de la exclusión social, los calabozos de la sociedad brasileña que el estado y los servicios sociales básicos no alcanzan, donde la gente sobrevive sobre una base diaria sin la esperanza del futuro en las condiciones que generan nuevas formas de violencia. Los "capitanes de las arenas”, los niños de la calle según lo retratado por el novelista brasileño Jorge Amado hace años, son no capitanes más sino empeños en las manos de organizado crimen.

El resumen solamente esta en lengua castellaña, el informe esta en lengua inglesa

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Titre du document: Document title:Gender Street: A transnational initiative on social and labour inclusion for trafficked women and migrant sex workers
A transnational initiative on social and labour inclusion for trafficked women and migrant sex workers : four projects in Italy, Austria and the Netherlands on the issue of social and labour inclusion of migrant sex workers and trafficked women. This co-operation took place within the framework of the Equal Community Initiative of the European Union. Four projects shared obstacles and good practices and exchanged information on their working methodologies. The results of this co-operation, which was called the 'Gender Street project' are described in this publication.
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Titre du document: Document title:Global child sex tourism
The purpose of this paper is to educate the public about child sex tourism, a form of commercial and sexual exploitation of children, and a ubiquitous practice that as perilous implications for both children and society throughout the world.
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Titre du document: Document title:L’homme en question - le processus du devenir-client de la prostitution
Cette étude s'attache à analyser les causes contemporaines et spécifiques du clientélisme. Ces deux processus producteurs d'une tendance nouvelle au clientélisme sont renforcés par un troisième lié à l'offre, et rendent nécessaires et urgentes les réflexions et actions en direction des clients tant en terme de prévention que d'accompagnement.
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