Base de données de documents sur l’exploitation sexuelle - disponibles en téléchargement / Database on documents on sexual exploitation - available for download

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Accéder à près de 4 000 documents (rapports, thèses et mémoires, articles scientifiques etc...) sur l'exploitation sexuelle, classés dans une base de données par mots-clés.

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Titre du document: Document title:How trafficked children are exploited in Europe
EU Forum on the prevention of organised crime, EU action against child
trafficking and related forms of exploitation' organised by the European
Commission Directorate-General Justice and Home Affairs Brussels 26th
of May 2004, Borschette Centrer. Boris Scharlowski, Salvatore Parata,
Co-ordination International Campaign against Child Trafficking, with the
International Federation Terre des Hommes.

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Titre du document: Document title:Human smuggling and trafficking - a desk review on the trafficking from the Philippines
Smuggling is concerned with the manner in which a person enters a country illegally, with the involvment of third parties. Trafficking is more complicated concept, because it requires consideration of working conditions, and the involvement of the elements of deceit and coercion.
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Titre du document: Document title:Human trafficking and slavery
From the villages of Sudan to the factories, sweatshops and brothels of India and South Asia, slavery and human trafficking still flourish. Some 27 million people worldwide are held in some form of slavery, forced prostitution or bonded labor. Even in the United States, thousands of women and children from overseas are forced to become sex workers. Congress recently strengthened the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, but critics say it is still not tough enough, and that certain U.S. allies that harbor traffickers are treated with "kid gloves” for political reasons.

Congressional Quaterly, Volume 14, Issue 12, pp. 273-296
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Titre du document: Document title:I am a teenager...What happened to my rights ?
Teenagers need to develop their own distinct identity and sense of uniqueness and individuality; increasingly separate themselves from their childhood dependence on others; develop meaningful relationships with those outside their family; crystallise their sexual identity and develop their capacity to relate well to others; gain confidence and skills to prepare for a career, economic independence and adult responsibilities; and, most importantly, fashion their values, beliefs and attitudes toward life in the future.
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Titre du document: Document title:Inter-agency guiding principles on unaccompanied and separated children
This paper outlines the guiding principles that form the basis for action regarding unaccompanied and separated children, based on international human rights, humanitarian and refugee law. It seeks to ensure all actions and decisions taken are anchored in a protection framework and respect the principles of family unity and the best interests of the child.
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Titre du document: Document title:The representation of prostitution in the media
First of all it is important to determine what we mean by media : "1) any technical process allowing the distribution, dissemination or communication of ideas through written, voiced or visual means 2) any material or artificial means which enables the expression and communication of thoughts and/or of creativity." The media have a great responsibility in the shaping of opinions and mentalities. Linked as it is to primal instincts, prostitution is a recurring theme in the media and therefore dealing with this kind of subject
sells articles. Indeed prostitution is a field which awakens fantasies.
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Titre du document: Document title:L'image de la prostitution dans les médias
Il s'agit d'abord de déterminer ce que l'on entend par média : "1. Tout procédé technique permettant la distribution, la diffusion ou la communication des oeuvres de l'esprit écrites sonores ou visuelles. 2. Tout moyen matériel ou artificiel permettant l'expression et la communication de la pensée et/ou de la créativité". Les médias ont une responsabilité réelle dans la formation des opinions et des mentalités. La prostitution, domaine propre à éveiller les fantasmes, est très présente dans les médias.
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Titre du document: Document title:Public hearing on "The impact of the sex industry in the E.U."
One of the most visible developments in the sex industry during the last 30 years has been its rapid expansion and massive diversification. Globalization of the economy means globalization of the sex industry. Anti-trafficking policies and programs must address organized prostitution and domestic trafficking.
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Titre du document: Document title:Integration of the human rights of women and the gender perspective
The Special Rapporteur (Ms. Sigma Huda), on trafficking in persons, specially women and children, observes that, according to recent data, while the majority of victims of trafficking are women and girls trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation, significant numbers of human beings are trafficked for labour exploitation and children are also trafficked for the purpose of international adoption. The Special Rapporteur describes the content and scope of the mandate, the legal framework for her action and the methods of work she proposes to adopt, including the forwarding of communications to Governments, the undertaking of country visits, paying attention to thematic issues in her annual reports, and cooperating with relevant partners. She describes the activities she has undertaken following her appointment. The report ends with a number of conclusions
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Titre du document: Document title:Intégration des droits fondamentaux des femmes et de l’approche de genre
Dans ce rapport, la Rapporteuse spéciale sur la traite des êtres humains, en particulier des femmes et des enfants (Mme Sigma Huda) observe que, selon des données récentes, si la traite touche majoritairement les femmes et les petites filles, destinées à une exploitation sexuelle à des fins commerciales, un grand nombre d'êtres humains sont victimes de la traite en vue d'une exploitation par le travail, et les enfants sont également l'objet de trafic aux fins de l'adoption internationale. La traite équivaut à la négation de la quasi-totalité des droits de l'homme. Et pourtant, elle continue à être considérée essentiellement comme un problème d'ordre public. La Rapporteuse spéciale s'efforce, dans le cadre de sa mission, de mettre en lumière les incidences de la traite des êtres humains du point de vue des droits de l'homme, et de formuler des recommandations destinées à prévenir la traite en adoptant une démarche axée sur les droits de l'homme, et à défendre les droits fondamentaux des victimes. Le rapport se termine par un certain nombre de conclusions.
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