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Titre du document: The Corruption of Civil Society: Maintaining the Flow of Women to the Sex Industries
Auteur(s) - Auteure(s): Hughes, Donna M.
Zone(s) geographique(s): Russie
Theme(s): Traite des êtres humains
Industrie du sexe
Proxénétisme/Crime organisé
This paper discuss how government policies in destination or receiving countries are faciliting the flow of women from sending or source countries into prostitution. The trafficking process begins in destination countries with the demand for women and children to be used in prostitution and other forms of sexual exploitation in the sex industry. Where the sex industries are large or the demand for prostitution is high, insufficient numbers of local women can be recruited. Brothel owners and pimps place orders with traffickers for the number of foreign women they need. In destination countries, strategies are devised to protect the sex industries that generate hundreds of millions of dollars per year for the state, where prostitution is legal. Where prostitution is illegal, organised crime groups and corrupt oficials make the profit. The profits of these legal and illegal sex industries depend on maintaining the flow of these foreign women.
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