Base de données de documents sur l’exploitation sexuelle - disponibles en téléchargement / Database on documents on sexual exploitation - available for download

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Titre du document: Document title:Trafficking and prostitution of foreigners in the context of the E.U. countries'policy about prostitution
The question that this paper is going to explore is: "How are the positions of the foreign (willing) prostitute and of the trafficked woman connected with the States' consideration of prostitution?” During the Nineties the presence of foreign women in prostitution has increased in all the E. U. states, and this change has been paralleled by many changes in the laws concerning prostitution, introducing new concepts, like "neo-regulationism”, not based on a moral condemnation and legal discrimination of the prostitute, and a "neo-prohibitionism”, through the criminalizion of the client. In spite of all these changes, the position of a foreign prostitute has not changed, sometimes it has worsened. At the best she can be protected (in a few countries) as a victim of trafficking, but the lack of a legal possibility of exchanging sex for money blurs the categories of the "trafficked woman” .

Paper presented at the NEWR Workshop on Trafficking (Amsterdam 25-26.4.03)
NEWR = Network for European Women's Rights
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Titre du document: Document title:Trafficking in women and children in Europe

Concerning trafficking in women and children, Europe is divided into two
parts: the member countries of the European Union serve as a
destination area, and Eastern Central Europe, the Balkans and the
CIS-countries as source and transit areas. Illegal immigration as a
whole has six main routes to and inside Europe.

HEUNI Paper, 2003, N°18

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Titre du document: Document title:Trafficking in women - Dutch country report
Topics to be discussed:
1) Why Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) and not trafficking in women?
2) The Dutch policy on THB and prostitution
3) The task of the Dutch rapporteur on THB
4) Some of the findings of the Bureau of the Dutch rapporteur
5) Why are more rapporteurs needed?
6) Why is additional research needed and what info do we need?
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Titre du document: Document title:Trafficking, migration and the law - Protecting innocents, punishing immigrants
The Trafficking Victims' Protection Act of 2000 specifically exempts a small class of abused and exploited migrants--"victims of severe forms of trafficking”--from punitive immigration and welfare reforms measures.The question, then, is what motivated the near unanimous support for abused migrants and prostitutes under HR 3244 by legislators otherwise hostile to immigrants and poor women, especially those engaged in commercial sex? As I will argue in this article, the answer lies, in part, in the usefulness of the law in creating a politically strategic exception to a punishing rule.

Gender and Society, Vol. 17 No. 6, December 2003, pp. 923-937
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Titre du document: Document title:Trafficking in human beings, especially women and children in Africa
In recent years child trafficking has gained visibility as a major violation of children's rights and it is a priority concern for the political action.The report presents a preliminary mapping of trafficking patterns and provides an indication of emerging good practices on the African continent.
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Titre du document: Document title:Trafficking in women, girls and boys - Key issues for population and development programmes
The Consultative Meeting on Trafficking in Women and Children was held in Bratislava, Slovakia, from 2 to 4 October 2002. The encounter brought together 60 participants from 30 countries, including government and NGO representatives, as well as key persons from UNFPA and other UN agencies.
UNFPA's concerns with this contemporary issue are rooted in the historic Programme of Action adopted in Cairo at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). The complex trafficking issues are seen by the Fund as being directly related to the focus in the Programme of Action upon gender equality, women's empowerment, violence against women, and reproductive health and rights.
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Titre du document: Document title:Le trafic d’enfants albanais en Grèce
Ce dossier vise, pour l'essentiel, à rendre publique une enquête et une action réalisées par Terre des hommes dès la fin 1999 en Albanie et en Grèce, deux pays européens frontaliers, le premier ayant hérité d'un système particulièrement fermé et l'autre membre à part entière de l'Union Européenne, et ce à titre d'illustration d'un phénomène qui se développe d'une manière générale en Europe.
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Titre du document: Document title:La traite des mineurs non-accompagnés dans l'Union européenne
Cette publication est le fruit de trois projets financés par le Programme STOP de la Commission européenne en 2000-2001, 2001-2002 et 2002-2003. La traite des mineurs non-accompagnés est une violation des Droits de l'Homme encore peu reconnue en tant que telle en Europe. Ces mineurs, victimes d'exploitation de tout genre (sexuelle, par le travail domestique, dans la restauration, pour le lavage de vitres de voitures, à travers le sport, pour le transport de drogue, la mendicité, l'obligation de commettre des délits...) et déchus de leur dignité, sont insuffisamment protégés. Aujourd'hui, le phénomène s'est largement généralisé en Europe. Pour certains pays, il est relativement récent (Portugal et Espagne), pour d'autres, il ne cesse de s'amplifier depuis une quinzaine d'années (Allemagne et Pays-Bas par exemple). Le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés entend par « MNA » les enfants de moins de 18 ans qui ont été séparés de leurs deux parents et qui ne sont pas pris en charge par un tuteur, désigné selon la loi ou la coutume
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Titre du document: Document title:Transnational activities of Chinese crime organizations
This study investigates the major pockets of activity of Chinese criminal groups from 2000-2003, throughout the world except for mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. The main geographical regions of such activity are Australia, Europe, Japan, Latin America, North America, Russia, South Africa, and Southeast Asia. The report notes the participation of such groups in all major types of crime, including trafficking of human beings and various commodities, financial crimes, extortion, gambling, prostitution, and violent crimes. For the purposes of this report, the term "Chinese” refers to individuals of purely Chinese ethnic origin living in any part of the world.
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Titre du document: Document title:Rapport du Rapporteur spécial sur la vente d’enfants, la prostitution des enfants 2003
Ce présent rapport traite des effets juridiques de la vente d'enfants, de la prostitution des enfants et de la pornographie mettant en scène des enfants, et en particulier de l'application de sanctions pénales aux enfants victimes, ainsi que des évolutions récentes en termes de politiques et de législations adoptées par les pays pour faire face à ces problèmes.
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