Base de données de documents sur l’exploitation sexuelle - disponibles en téléchargement / Database on documents on sexual exploitation - available for download

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Titre du document: Vulnerability up close, An exploratory study into the vulnerability of children to human trafficking
Auteur(s) - Auteure(s): Dettmeijer-Vermeulen, Corine
Zone(s) geographique(s): Global
Theme(s): Traite des êtres humains
Législation/Système judiciaire
This initial exploratory
study concerns groups of children about whom there have recently been reports of human trafficking,
but who have received little attention in relation to it. Seven specific groups have been selected. It is not
a random selection; the groups have been chosen because they have been mentioned in other exploratory
studies, in cases before the courts and in media reports or in warnings that have reached the National
Rapporteur from professionals in the field. In light of the exploratory nature of this study, it was
decided to adopt a low threshold for the inclusion of particular groups, so further research was carried
out even if the information about the relationship between these groups and human trafficking was
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