Base de données de documents sur l’exploitation sexuelle - disponibles en téléchargement / Database on documents on sexual exploitation - available for download

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Titre du document: Prostitution and male supremacy
Auteur(s) - Auteure(s): Dworkin, Andrea
Zone(s) geographique(s): Global
Theme(s): Prostitution
Législation/Système judiciaire
This document reports Andrea Dworkin speech at a Symposium entitled « Prostitution : From Academia to Activism ». It was delivered to women who were in prostitution or have been in prostitution. The speech aims to support and help them to believe in tomorrow. That's a feminist cry asking women (and people in general) to act against prostitution, not only to discuss about it. She talks about facts and summarizes that prostitution has political issue which is taking power away from men. She wants abolitionism for prostitution and more equality for society. This text is a real call to action against people who are responsible for prostitution : men.
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