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Titre du document: Child prostitution and sex tourism Dominican Republic
Auteur(s) - Auteure(s): O'Connell Davidson, Julia ; Sanchez Taylor, Jacqueline / ECPAT
Zone(s) geographique(s): République Dominicaine
Theme(s): Prostitution
Tourisme sexuel
Prostitution is illegal in the Dominican Republic, and the age of sexual consent is 18. The growth of prostitution, and particularly child prostitution, is linked to the growth of tourism. And there is also police and military involvement in both sectors of the sex trade. Prostitutes choose to work in "casa familials" rather working independently in tourist areas (bar-brothels, go-go bars). The vast majority of the sex tourists interviewed are firmly convinced that "third world" children are not harmed by sexual contact with tourists and that they actively seek and desire such contact.
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