Base de données de documents sur l’exploitation sexuelle - disponibles en téléchargement / Database on documents on sexual exploitation - available for download

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Titre du document: Trafficking in human beings, first report of the Dutch National Rapporteur
Auteur(s) - Auteure(s): Korvinus Anna G./Netherlands. Bureau of the Dutch National Rapporteur (BNRM)
Zone(s) geographique(s): Pays-Bas
Theme(s): Traite des êtres humains
Législation/Système judiciaire
Coopération inter-étatique/inter-institutionnelle
Aide aux victimes
This report indeed particularly concerns Dutch actors, and the Dutch situation,but is presumably also interesting for foreign, or international persons and organisations, who are dealing with the topic as well. This because the report gives an overall picture of the Dutch situation, as far as legislation is concerned, victim support, police investigation and prosecution of perpetrators, and it touches on more general problems and possible solutions as well, in relation to THB.
Annee du document: