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Titre du document: Child prostitution and sex tourism Thailand
Auteur(s) - Auteure(s): O'Connell Davidson, Julia ; Sanchez Taylor, Jacqueline / ECPAT
Zone(s) geographique(s): Thaïlande
Theme(s): Prostitution
Tourisme sexuel
This paper provide some empirical data on the attitudes, motivations and activities of male British sex tourists in Thailand. It begins by developing a typology of sex tourists, then goes on to look at what they get out of sex tourism. For the author, the term "prostitution" embraces an enormous range of activities undertaken on very different terms and under very different conditions and, for reasons of political strategy, it is vital to distinguish between them : while sex tourism must be recognised as first and foremost a form of economic exploitation, it should also be seen as a unique and distinctive form of exploitation. There are fondamental differences between capitalist employers and purchasers of sex.
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