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Titre du document: Trafficking in women from the Dominican Republic for sexual exploitation
Auteur(s) - Auteure(s): International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Zone(s) geographique(s): République Dominicaine
Theme(s): Traite des êtres humains
Aide aux victimes
Out-migration of women for prostitution is an important and increasing phenomenon in the Dominican Republic. Different causes act as push factors, the main one being poverty. The present assessment was carried out in the Dominican Republic in May 1996, and was based on interviews held with: twelve trafficked women who have returned to the Dominican Republic ; social workers working with prostitutes ; one main NGO (COIN) which assists and educates sex workers and returned trafficked women in the Dominican Republic ; governmental authorities and foreign diplomatic representatives in the country. The main recommendations to emerge from the present assessment are to focus on a prevention scheme : assist in the creation of opportunities for young women in their country of origin, establish information and educational campaigns for potentially trafficked women, and tighten regulations for visa applications and the obtaining of documentation.
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