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Titre du document: Trafficking of migrant women for forced prostitution into Greece
Auteur(s) - Auteure(s): Human Rights Watch (HRW)
Zone(s) geographique(s): Europe (U.E)
Theme(s): Traite des êtres humains
Proxénétisme/Crime organisé
Législation/Système judiciaire
Coopération inter-étatique/inter-institutionnelle
Aide aux victimes
The trafficking of women for forced prostitution into Greece is a serious problem and a grave human rights abuse. After many years of failing to address this abuse, a joint ministerial decision by the ministers of public order and interior was signed in May 2001 providing for a "work management group on trafficking” to develop, coordinate and implement anti-trafficking policy in Greece.1 Human Rights Watch welcomes this initiative in light of the growing scale of trafficking in Greece, which has been acknowledged by the Greek government and many other sources. However, Human Rights Watch believes that the Greek government should take urgent action on a number of fronts to combat trafficking and to protect the human rights of trafficked women. While the work management group is mandated to make its recommendations within one year, the urgency of Greece's trafficking problems calls for immediate measures to ensure that no trafficking victim will be required to wait another year before she has access to justice for the serious abuses she has suffered.
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