Base de données de documents sur l’exploitation sexuelle - disponibles en téléchargement / Database on documents on sexual exploitation - available for download

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Titre du document: List of decisions – 31st meeting at the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 19-23 March 2018
Auteur(s) - Auteure(s): Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA)
Zone(s) geographique(s): Europe (U.E)
Theme(s): Traite des êtres humains
Législation/Système judiciaire
Coopération inter-étatique/inter-institutionnelle

GRETA adopted the final second round reports on Spain and Sweden, as well as the final first round report on Estonia. These reports will be sent to the national authorities concerned and will subsequently be made public, together with eventual final comments by the authorities. GRETA also approved the draft second round reports on Azerbaijan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Ukraine. GRETA decided to transmit these draft reports to the national authorities concerned and to ask them to submit their comments within two months. In addition, GRETA adopted an urgent procedure report on Hungary, which will be transmitted to the national authorities for comments prior to its publication. As part of the meeting, GRETA held an exchange of views with Petra Bakker, Police Commissioner EU for the Netherlands and Dutch National EMPACT Co-ordinator.

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